Positive challenge coin stories from around the web!
Spartan brand custom coins

Stories from around the web!

August 22, 2023
Spartan Coins celebrates 10 Year Anniversary

March 31, 2017
As a challenge coin maker I do make an effort to make my coins affordable. This idea of affordability inspired me to show you a story I recently found where someone spent $10,000 on 2,000 challenge coins. This story made me say Holy Cow! How much research was done on pricing before they placed this order?

We manufactured 2,000 coins for one client over 2 separate orders in 2016 for significantly less than $10,000. I wish I had more details (such as size, base material, where it was made, plating and any other special features) about the $5 per coin at 2,000 pieces order. You can read the full story here.